Weird but true! Christmas : 300 festive facts to light up the holidays / [National Geographic Partners ; Jen Agresta, project manager.]
Weird but true! Christmas : 300 festive facts to light up the holidays / [National Geographic Partners ; Jen Agresta, project manager.]
The stone lamp : eight stories of Hanukkah through history / Karen Hesse ; [illustrations by] Brian Pinkney.
The stone lamp : eight stories of Hanukkah through history / Karen Hesse ; [illustrations by] Brian Pinkney.
Four sides, eight nights : a new spin on Hanukkah / by Rebecca Tova Ben-Zvi ; illustrated by Susanna Natti.
Four sides, eight nights : a new spin on Hanukkah / by Rebecca Tova Ben-Zvi ; illustrated by Susanna Natti.
While the candles burn : eight stories for Hanukkah / by Barbara Diamond Goldin ; illustrated by Elaine Greenstein.
While the candles burn : eight stories for Hanukkah / by Barbara Diamond Goldin ; illustrated by Elaine Greenstein.
Eight lights for eight nights : a Hanukkah story and activity book / story by Debbie Herman ; activities and illustrations by Ann D. Koffsky.
Eight lights for eight nights : a Hanukkah story and activity book / story by Debbie Herman ; activities and illustrations by Ann D. Koffsky.
The power of light : eight stories for Hanukkah / by Isaac Bashevis Singer ; with illustrations by Irene Lieblich.
The power of light : eight stories for Hanukkah / by Isaac Bashevis Singer ; with illustrations by Irene Lieblich.
Kwanzaa : a celebration of family, community, and culture / Maulana Karenga.
Kwanzaa : a celebration of family, community, and culture / Maulana Karenga.
A pioneer Christmas : celebrating in the backwoods in 1841 / written by Barbara Greenwood ; illustrated by Heather Collins.
A pioneer Christmas : celebrating in the backwoods in 1841 / written by Barbara Greenwood ; illustrated by Heather Collins.
Joy to the world : a family Christmas treasury / selected, edited, and introduced by Ann Keay Beneduce ; illustrated by Gennady Spirin.
Joy to the world : a family Christmas treasury / selected, edited, and introduced by Ann Keay Beneduce ; illustrated by Gennady Spirin.
Christmas around the world / Mary D. Lankford ; illustrated by Karen Dugan.
Christmas around the world / Mary D. Lankford ; illustrated by Karen Dugan.
Michael Foreman's Christmas treasury.
Cookies for Christmas : 50 cute & quick holiday treats / edited by Deanna F. Cook and the experts at FamilyFun magazine.
Cookies for Christmas : 50 cute & quick holiday treats / edited by Deanna F. Cook and the experts at FamilyFun magazine.
Usborne Christmas baking for children / Fiona Patchett ; illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff.
Usborne Christmas baking for children / Fiona Patchett ; illustrated by Nancy Leschnikoff.
Ralph Masiello's Christmas drawing book / Ralph Masiello.
Crafts for Hanukkah / by Kathy Ross ; illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm.
Crafts for Hanukkah / by Kathy Ross ; illustrated by Sharon Lane Holm.
The Nutcracker comes to America : how three ballet-loving brothers created a holiday tradition / Chris Barton ; illustrated by Cathy Gendron.
The Nutcracker comes to America : how three ballet-loving brothers created a holiday tradition / Chris Barton ; illustrated by Cathy Gendron.
A child's Christmas in Wales / Dylan Thomas ; illustrated by Chris Raschka.
A child's Christmas in Wales / Dylan Thomas ; illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman.
Truce : the day the soldiers stopped fighting / Jim Murphy.
Truce : the day the soldiers stopped fighting / Jim Murphy.
Adventures in cartooning : Christmas special / James Sturm, Andrew Arnold, Alexis Frederick-Frost.
Adventures in cartooning : Christmas special / James Sturm, Andrew Arnold, Alexis Frederick-Frost.
On Hanukkah / by Cathy Goldberg Fishman ; illustrated by Melanie W. Hall.
On Hanukkah / by Cathy Goldberg Fishman ; illustrated by Melanie W. Hall.
Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah / illustrated by Olga Ivanov and Aleksey Ivanov.
Hanukkah, oh Hanukkah / illustrated by Olga Ivanov and Aleksey Ivanov.
Celebrate Hanukkah / Deborah Heiligman ; consultant, Shira Stern.
Celebrate Hanukkah / Deborah Heiligman ; consultant, Shira Stern.
Menorah under the sea / by Esther Susan Heller ; photographs by David Ginsburg.
Menorah under the sea / by Esther Susan Heller ; photographs by David Ginsburg.
Hanukkah lights, Hanukkah nights / by Leslie Kimmelman ; illustrated by John Himmelman.
Hanukkah lights, Hanukkah nights / by Leslie Kimmelman ; illustrated by John Himmelman.
Pearl's eight days of Chanukah / story and pictures by Jane Breskin Zalben.
Hanukkah haiku / Harriet Ziefert ; paintings by Karla Gudeon.
Hanukkah haiku / Harriet Ziefert ; paintings by Karla Gudeon.
Eight days of Hanukkah : a holiday step book / by Harriet Ziefert ; pictures by Melinda Levine.
Eight days of Hanukkah : a holiday step book / by Harriet Ziefert ; pictures by Melinda Levine.
Hilary Knight's The twelve days of Christmas.