Thank you for your interest in exhibiting in the Stier Family Gallery. Below you will find an overview of the space and the application to exhibit. Please review the diagram below, as well as the gallery policy, before submitting your application.

Application Process
After submitted your application, the Library Director may contact you to ask for any additional information, or to inform you of the library’s decision. Applications are accepted throughout the year. Exhibits run for one to two months; availability may be limited, and exhibits may be booked many months in advance.
The library will post promotional materials regarding the exhibit within the library building, on the library’s website and/or social media outlets, and the library’s newsletter. Notice of the exhibit will also be submitted to Cape Courier along with other library events. Any additional publicity is the responsibility of the artist. The library must receive promotional materials from the artist at least two weeks prior to the exhibit opening. The library reserves the right to edit any submitted promotional materials.
The gallery includes a cable hanging system for the two wall areas. Use of any other hanging methods such as nails, tacks, tape, or adhesives are prohibited. Title cards may be placed on the wall using putty. Exhibits should be hung on or close to the first day of the month at the start of the exhibit, and remain up until the last day of the month. The library has extra cables, wall putty, and a step stool available for use.
Sale of Art
Art on display during a show may be purchased. If you wish to sell your work, please provide a price list to the library and leave a price list in the exhibit area. Once an item is purchased, it must remain on display throughout the duration of the show. The item may be marked as purchased with a red dot (available from the library.) The exhibitor will pay a 10% commission on the total sale price of items sold during or as a result of the display in the library. Payment shall be made to the Town of Cape Elizabeth in the form of a check. For more information on sales, please refer to the Thomas Memorial Library Gallery Policy.