The boy in the striped pajamas / Miramax Films presents in association with BBC Films ; a Heyday Films production ; a film by Mark Herman ; produced by David Heyman ; screenplay by Mark Herman ; directed by Mark Herman.
The boy in the striped pajamas / Miramax Films presents in association with BBC Films ; a Heyday Films production ; a film by Mark Herman ; produced by David Heyman ; screenplay by Mark Herman ; directed by Mark Herman.
Defying the Nazis : the Sharp's war / co-production of No Limits Media, Inc. and Florentine Films ; in association with WETA, Washington, DC ; directed by Ken Burns and Artemis Joukowsky III ; produced by Ken Burns and Matthew Justus.
Farewell Herr Schwarz / ; directed by Yael Reuveny.
Farewell Herr Schwarz / ; directed by Yael Reuveny.
Paper clips / directed by Elliot Berlin, Joe Fab.
Paper clips / directed by Elliot Berlin, Joe Fab.
After Auschwitz / produced & directed by Jon Kean ; written by Deborah Blum, Jon Kean.
After Auschwitz / produced & directed by Jon Kean ; written by Deborah Blum, Jon Kean.
Alone in Berlin / IFC Films presents an XFilme Creative Pool, Master Movies, Filmwave production in co-production with Pathe Buffalo Films ; written by Achim von Borries, Vincent Perez ; directed by Vincent Perez.
Alone in Berlin / IFC Films presents an XFilme Creative Pool, Master Movies, Filmwave production in co-production with Pathe Buffalo Films ; written by Achim von Borries, Vincent Perez ; directed by Vincent Perez.
The counterfeiters / a Sony Pictures Classics release, a production of Aichholzer Filmproduktion and Magnolia Filmproduktion in association with Studio Babelsberg Motion Pictures/Babelsberg Film and ZDF ; producers, Josef Aichholzer, Nina Bohlmann, Babette Schröder ; written and directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky.
The counterfeiters / a Sony Pictures Classics release, a production of Aichholzer Filmproduktion and Magnolia Filmproduktion in association with Studio Babelsberg Motion Pictures/Babelsberg Film and ZDF ; producers, Josef Aichholzer, Nina Bohlmann, Babette Schröder ; written and directed by Stefan Ruzowitzky.
Denial / Bleecker Street presents ; in association with Participant Media and BBC Films ; with Shoe Box Films ; produced by Gary Foster, Russ Krasnoff ; screenplay by David Hare ; directed by Mick Jackson.
Denial / Bleecker Street presents ; in association with Participant Media and BBC Films ; with Shoe Box Films ; produced by Gary Foster, Russ Krasnoff ; screenplay by David Hare ; directed by Mick Jackson.
Enemies : a love story / James G. Robinson and Joe Roth present ; a Morgan Creek production ; screenplay by Roger L. Simon & Paul Mazursky ; produced and directed by Paul Mazursky.
Enemies : a love story / James G. Robinson and Joe Roth present ; a Morgan Creek production ; screenplay by Roger L. Simon & Paul Mazursky ; produced and directed by Paul Mazursky.
In darkness / Schmidtz Katze Filmkollektiv GmbH, Studio Filmowe Zebra, and Hidden Films Inc. ; writers, David F. Shamoon, Robert Marshall ; producers, Andrzej Besztak ... [et al.] ; director Agnieszka Holland.
In darkness / Schmidtz Katze Filmkollektiv GmbH, Studio Filmowe Zebra, and Hidden Films Inc. ; writers, David F. Shamoon, Robert Marshall ; producers, Andrzej Besztak ... [et al.] ; director Agnieszka Holland.
The pianist / a Roman Polanski film ; a France-Poland-Germany-United Kingdom coproduction ; R.P. Productions, Heritage Films, Studio Babelsberg, Runteam Ltd. with the participation of Canal+ ... [et al.] ; produced by Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde ; screenplay by Ronald Harwood ; directed by Roman Polanski.
The pianist / a Roman Polanski film ; a France-Poland-Germany-United Kingdom coproduction ; R.P. Productions, Heritage Films, Studio Babelsberg, Runteam Ltd. with the participation of Canal+ ... [et al.] ; produced by Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde ; screenplay by Ronald Harwood ; directed by Roman Polanski.
Sarah's key / Stéphane Marsil presents ; a film by Gilles Paquet-Brenner ; produced by Stéphane Marsil ; screenplay by Serge Joncour and Gilles Paquet-Brenner ; director, Gilles Paquet-Brenner.
Schindler's list / Universal Pictures presents an Amblin Entertainment production ; producers, Branko Lustig, Gerald R. Molen, Steven Spielberg ; writer, Steven Zaillian ; director, Steven Spielberg.
Son of Saul / a Sony Pictures Classics release, Laokoon Filmgroup presents with the support of the Hungarian National Film Fund and the Claims Conference ; screenplay by Clara Royer & László Nemes ; producers, Gábor Sipos & Gábor Rajna ; director, László Nemes.
Son of Saul / a Sony Pictures Classics release, Laokoon Filmgroup presents with the support of the Hungarian National Film Fund and the Claims Conference ; screenplay by Clara Royer & László Nemes ; producers, Gábor Sipos & Gábor Rajna ; director, László Nemes.