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Paper Flowers Learn-Along Workshop

May 11, 2024 -- 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

a photo a variety of colorful flowers made out of paperPlease join Marie Ahearn and Rachel Davis for a workshop in which we all learn and experiment together in different techniques for making flowers and plants out of paper. We will have a variety of different types of paper available–crepe paper, tissue paper, scrapbook paper, old discard book pages, etc.– for us to experiment with, as well as a variety of templates and instructional resources on hand. Participants are also invited to share their own tips and experiences with this art form, so if this is something you have done, please come along and help us learn!

We are hoping to fill our Community Art Boxes with different representations of plants and flowers all summer long–paper flowers, fiber arts, photographs, botanical prints, ceramics, drawings, paintings, anything! If you have artwork you’d like to contribute to these displays, please drop it by the library’s main desk with a completed Submission Form (or pick up a printed form at the main desk when you arrive.)

Please register for the Paper Flower Workshop by filling out the form below!


May 11, 2024
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
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