Would you like to be part of a new writing group for teens?
Young writers, 13 and up, are invited to join library staffer and CEHS graduate, Sasha Kohan, for a new writing group tailored to meet participants’ needs.
If you are interested in helping us form this group, please fill out the form below and Sasha will be in touch!
Did You Know?
We have a special collection devoted to poetry and writing, the Gabriel A. Zimpritch Poetry & Writing Collection. You are welcome to visit this space and explore the collection’s resources during any of the library’s open hours. It is located in a room upstairs adjacent to the study rooms.
Writing Resources
Here are some books on writing and publishing that you can borrow from the library.
Just click on a book cover to go to the catalog for more information or to place a hold.
(For books without images, hover over the placeholder to see the title, and click on it to go to the catalog.)